My Story

Born to Claire and Ronald Lysaght in the foothills of the Wicklow mountains. Delgany dwelling did not last long. Travel and time living abroad was formative. I played some Rugby, ticked all the boxes that were expected of me educationally..and when a chance encounter in Coney Island presented a path to flight from life as I knew it, and frivolity; I took it with both hands. Little did I know the repercussions this decision would bring to bear on the next years of my life. Things went well. Then they didn't. I 'went dark'.

Little is known of this phase of my journey, I was forgotten by many until I resurfaced, transformed by the trial of fire endured on the way to attaining the knowledge of the path to victory over dragons and demons. Or something like that.

My mission now is to encourage people, and mostly myself, to open their hearts and willfully suspend their certainty of knowing. Through the ancient art of storytelling, I want to shine light in the dark, and illuminate the possibility that the elements of the truth that we are missing, and will help us most, may be in the places we least want to look…